
VerifiedHuman™ is a label representing the work of human artists, students, and businesses worldwide. Our movement helps people differentiate their uniquely human work from work created primarily through generative AI modeling.

“I’m proud to be one of VerifiedHuman's first ever Featured Artists and among the first 50 members to join this exciting new movement.

I see the new VerifiedHuman™ standard as an important way for AI and Human generated work to co-exist in a space of transparency and trust between artists and their audiences.”

— Jeremy DV Boyd, VerifiedHuman™ Visual Artist

VerifiedHuman™ STANDARD

I represent my visual work to be my (or my team's) intellectual property, essentially created by a human(s), not essentially created by generative AI, machine learning, or other generative processes.

Standard Labels

VerifiedHuman™ = Human Creation
(A human is the essential creator of the visual work)

VerifiedHuman™AIA = AI–Assisted Creation
(Visual work is heavily influenced by generative AI)

VerifiedHuman™AIU = AI–Unknown Creation
(AI has generated some of the material, but origin is unknown)

“AI is an exciting new area of creative expression and experementation. I commit to transparency where AI forms part of my visual work.”

— Jeremy DV Boyd, VerifiedHuman™ Visual Artist

About the Standard

VERIFIEDHUMAN™ is a label representing the work of human artists, students, and businesses worldwide. Our movement helps people differentiate their uniquely human work from work created primarily through generative AI modeling.

VERIFIEDHUMAN™ has developed a values-based model for AI-human differentiation in creative media production. The model provides guidelines and best practices to help ensure that the use of AI in content creation is honest and transparent.

As AI technology progresses, its proliferation in the creative process of writers, photographers, visual artists, and musicians has revealed gaps in the larger social understanding of responsible utilization. While AI can be a powerful tool for enhancing creativity and productivity, it also raises concerns about AI's role in conjunction with humans' role in the creative process.

The model released by VERIFIEDHUMAN™ seeks to address these concerns by providing a "human-centered, values-based" framework for AI-human collaboration in all forms of creative media. The model addresses the need for transparency and human oversight in the use of AI and provides standards for ensuring that humans initiate and remain in control of the creative process.

The model allows creators to agree to a clearly articulated, widely understood standard. According to Founder, Micah Voraritskul, "The standard is a simple way content creators can say, "Hey world, I made this. A machine didn't make it." He adds, "It provides a space where creators can come together with their audience and 'shake hands' in mutual appreciation and trust."

VERIFIEDHUMAN™ has developed standards for: WRITERS–authors of written work, VISUAL ARTISTS–creators of visual work, and MUSICIANS–composers of music or rhythms. VERIFIEDHUMAN™ is also working with educators and leaders to develop classroom standards standards for organizations committed to protecting human jobs.

VerifiedHuman™ standards are pro-human, not anti AI, in fact they support AI development and believes in its power to improve our world.

The movement is just getting started. Visit the VerifiedHuman™ website if you'd like to know more or get involved.